Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tiap akhir minggu, saya berjalan jalan ke taman outdoor gym park di sebelah vihara uttamaniyam buddhist temple untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada warga choa chu kang. Di taman, saya melakukan warming up sebagai berikut

  • First exercise: look up, hold for eight second, look to the other direction on the left, right and down, hold for eight second. Repeat this activity for two times.

  • Second exercise: Put your pointed fingers on your shoulder, rotate eight times forward and eight times backward. Repeat this activity for the second times.

  • Third exercise: Lengthen your right arm sideway to the left while hold vertically with another arm, count to eight seconds. Lengthen your left arm sideway to the right while hold vertically with another arm. Repeat this activity for another one time.

  • Fourth exercise: Hip rotation, rotate your hip clockwise and counterclockwise eight times each. Repeat another one time

  • Fifth exercise: Bend down, hold for two times eight seconds

  • Sixth exercise: Put forth your right leg slightly bend forward for two times eight seconds, return to standing position, then put forth your left leg slightly bend forward for two times eight seconds

  • Seventh exercise: Lift your left leg from behind and hold for two times eight seconds. Return to standing position, then lift your right leg from behind and hold for two times eight seconds

This material is copyrighted, taken from institute of mental health

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